In the same section
Our members are involved in accredited projects and experimental projects. All of our projects are listed bellow.
- Plateforme EcoCloud
Accredited projects
- REVIWEE : for a viable WEEE recycling value chain in France (2022-2026)
- Urban Micro-farm (2021-2025)
- D-TecnoSS (2021 - 2025) : To Design Technology for Strong Sustainability (ANR)
- Collaborative resarch project EcoSD SustainLives (2021)
- Collaborative research project EcoSD on low tech (2021)
- Ethico-Ecology (2020 - 2023) : Ethics and Ecology in Technological Education (Erasmus+, KA203)
- REAACC (2020 - 2022) : Resilience of agricultural systems and food systems
- ET-LIOS (2020 - 2022) : Open bachelor's level technological education for a competitive and sustainable industry of the future (PIA-3 Hybridation des formations d'enseignement supérieur)
- Collaborative research project EcoSD on sobriety (2020)
- CRESTING (2017 - 2021) : Circular Economy: Sustainability implications and guiding progress.
- Innovation frugale (2020)
- Colaborative research project EcoSD on monetarization for eco-design (2020)
- Ferme solaire UTT (2018 - Today)
- BOAT : Biomass d'Origine Agricole et Territoire
- CapEco (2017 - 2018)
- Recycled (2016 - 2021)
- CABATI (2016 - 2019)
- BAC (2016 - 2018)
- SORAGO (2013 - 2016)
- ABattReLife (2012 - 2015)
- APBTP (2011 - 2014)
- PIVERT (2011 - 2021)
- M2P (2011 - 2021)
- DEMOENV (2011 - 2015)
- CONVERGENCE (2011 - 2014)
- EITANS (2011 - 2012)
- RéSyST (2011)
- FINATHER (2010 - 2014)
- Effi-SiEMCE (2012 - 2015)
- ASURET (2010 - 2013)
- PURE (2010 - 2013)
- R2EP (2010 - 2012)
- SYNERGIE-TP (2010 - 2011)
- T_SOFT (2009 - 2012)
- CONFLUENT (2009 - 2013)
- COMETHE (2008 - 2011)
- ARPEGE (2007 - 2009)
Experimental projects
- Just Realities (2020): the podcast that explores the concept of Justice
- Frugal Engineering in Togo (2019 - 2022) : scientific and pedagogical projects to understand grassroots innovation
- AgrobioCovid19: 1000 km to meet the farmers of the future
- Grand Chambardement (2019 - today): territorial experiment in rural areas.
- Valorpneu (2016)
- Workshop on interdisciplinarity (2021) : artistic situation to better understand interdisciplinarity
- Solar Tears
Date of update 04 décembre 2024