In the same section
Research Projects
- Project OmicroN (2020-2024) funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) on residual stress measurements with Scanning Microwave Microscopy (SMM). Cooperation with Institut Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB, Université de Bourgogne), C&K Components and ARDPI.
- Cooperation with SAFRAN Aircraft Engines (2015-2023) on cold expansion of hole in aircraft engines components made in nickel-based superalloys.
- Project ALMARIS (2017-2021) funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) on optimal structures obtained by additive manufacturing (LBM) using superelastic NiTi alloy. Cooperation with ONERA, Ecole des Mines de Paris, ENSAM-Arts et Métiers ParisTech and Polyshape
- Project RESeed (2017-2021) funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) on PLM approach for the valorisation of mechanical heritage. Cooperation with Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC), Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN), DeltaCAD, MCC Heritage, le Musée des Arts et Métiers et le Ministère de la Culture
- Project RESEM FRONTALAS (2019-2020) funded by IRT M2P. Functionalization of surfaces by laser patterning. Cooperation with Institut Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB, Université de Bourgogne / Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard)
- Project RESEM COMBINE (2019-2020) funded by IRT M2P. Development and application of sensors based on nanoparticles gratings for the optical follow up of mechanical properties of materials
- Project DFORM (2017-2020) funded by SAFRANTECH on modelling the thermomechanical behaviour of materials and specific forming processes by use of multidimensional mechanics and differential geometry
- Project RESEM COMODE (2018-2019) funded by IRT M2P. Strain and residual stresses in high temperature oxidation on reactive metallica alloys at microscale using nanoparticles gratings.
- Project AUTOMODEL3D (2017-2019) funded by Région Champagne-Ardenne and FEDER. Generation of a CAD model based on scanning data of buildings to be incorporated in the BIM. Cooperation with LEVELS3D.
- Project CONDOR (2015-2019) funded by IRT “Matériaux Métallurgie et Procédés (M2P)“. Modeling of shot-peening process in order to link the process to the fatigue life, taking into account the geometry and the microstructure of the component. Cooperation with ONERA, ENSAM ParisTech, AREVA, MPSA, SAFRAN, ARCELOR-MITTAL.
- Project RESEM VIBFORM (2018-2019) funded by IRT M2P on modelling and experimental characterization of the vibration behaviour of stamped components
Date of update 29 juin 2021