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  4. Commitment and perspectives

Commitment and perspectives

Scientific research represents one of the main assets of the Université de Technologie de Troyes. Carried out by permanent academics, researchers, associate researchers, project researchers, PASTs, doctoral students and technical and administrative staff, it revolves around key disciplinary fields: nanotechnology, materials, networks, sensors, security, logistics and optimization, sustainability, data, sociology of uses, etc.

Research offers UTT a local, national and international radiance and attractivity. More than 370 people are working daily and contribute to the scientific excellence of the UTT in the fields of engineering sciences, information and communication sciences and technologies as well as human and social sciences with a number of 1480 ranked publications over the past 5 years and a societal contribution symbolized by the growth of partnership research, spin-offs, industrial chairs which have been developing strongly over the past few years and open science.

What are the challenges to overcome during the next decade?

Preserving and strengthening this scientific excellence is not a choice but a vital need for UTT. Research is a collective mission depending on the strong involvement and individual investment of everyone. The definition of a coherent global scientific project, whose perimeters are as much disciplinary as interdisciplinary, is combined with a vision shared by all the actors of the UTT. Academics, researchers, doctoral students, technical and administrative staff contribute to imagine an ambitious scientific project, which will be able to respond to the major challenges and transitions taking place: digital, energy, environmental, generational, societal...

What are the objectives and ambitions?

The Research Management is committed to provide all the necessary means and efforts to :
  • Maintain and strengthen the national and international visibility of the UTT: projects supporting international opening up, inviting renowned researchers, encouraging and assisting in the organization of international events (especially those with a high reputation).
  • Place UTT as a component of a European entity by actively contributing to the Eut+ project (especially in the area of research and training through research)
  • Collaborate with the institutes on strategic topics at the territorial and regional level
  • Increase partnership actions with the socio-economic world: collaboration with industry via value enhancement and technology transfer, support for the work of the Foundation and the industrial chairs, consolidation and structuring of the institution's research platforms.
  • Work on a relevant and shared coordination between the different scientific disciplines and the challenges and society’s topics.
  • Strengthen the training/research link, in particular through research-oriented masters and graduate schools, including EUR Nanophot, and stronger bonds with the doctoral school.
  • Develop scientific animation and highlight research work : presentations of collaborative work, scientific seminars, cycles of dedicated conferences, specialized and general public, national / international

With what kind of roadmap?

UTT has launched, in 2021, a new structuring around Research Units (RU), real spaces for the achievement of the researchers' missions of the institution. These RU have been defined around known and shared scientific skills as well as on strategic topics, with strong international visibility. The architecture of the RU contributes to reinforce the international, national, regional, and territorial positioning of the research developed UTT.

The Research Direction is in charge for the institution's research strategy and its coherence, and seeks to optimize the means and skills necessary for its administrative and financial support. It is therefore responsible for :
  • Deploying the university's scientific policy and establishing decision-making tools
  • Supporting collaboration and consultation with institutional research partners at the national and international level (CNRS, INRIA, HCERES, Ministry, local authorities, etc.)
  • Developing commun PhD programs, thematic networks and joint laboratories with EUT+ partners
  • Following and accompanying the implementation of the policy in terms of doctoral, PhD, studies, research, international activities and valorization in collaboration with the other management of the UTT
  • Deepen the TU (technology University) model by developing in UTT engineers an understanding of the impact of technology on society and nature
  • Deploying a skill-based approach at the same time as a quality approach
  • Facilitate the labelling of research units at the national and international level: drawing up a roadmap jointly with the RUs units directors and the management, and setting up a labelling agenda and policy
The research direction associates the stakeholders in the definition of its strategy and is committed to support the academics, researchers in their involvement and their projects within the overall ambition of the UTT in terms of research.
mise à jour le 17 mars 2021