Sino-French Institute of Computing Technology for Advanced Materials (CTAM)

Sino-French Institute of Computing Technology for Advanced Materials (CTAM) is a laboratory between  UTT/GAMMA3 and SJTU/SKLMMCs. It focuses on the modelling and simulation for advanced material. The CTAM is supported by advanced modelling technologies and numerical simulation tools in UTT/GAMMA3, and the advanced material preparations technologies and material test in SJTU/SKLMMCs. 

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BLSURF is a CAD (composite parametric) surface mesher. The mesher can be plugged to a CAD platform or used as an external module. In the first case, the surface evaluation with derivatives must be provided.

As an external module, two CAD formats are taken into account, namely IGES and STEP files.

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The PLOUGH3D software generates the triangulation of a given discrete level set of an implicit surface.
Such a grid is often called a "voxel" grid which can be defined in two different ways:

  1. A 3D grid of real (scalar) values.
  2. A set of grayscale images.

The first concerns the values of a given analytical function and the second, images obtained via digitalized scans such as "CT scan" or "MRI scan".
The software also produces a closed surface of a given thickness around the imposed level. This kind of triangulation is particularly useful for surface 3D printing.

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Triangulated surfaces unfolding
licensing ensured by UTT (
license granted to French Petroleum Institute - IFPEN

BL2D, BL2D-V2, BL2D-V3

2D adaptive isotropic and anisotropic meshing
co-design and realization with P.Laug, UTT and INRIA Rocquencourt
licensing ensured by UTT (
OGS, ...


3D powered Delaunay triangulation and Laguerre diagram
licensing ensured by UTT (
license granted to French Petroleum Institute - IFPEN


Surface mesh simplification
licensing ensured by UTT (
licenses granted to LECTRA, SNECMA, DASSAULT AVIATION, ...


3D adaptive anisotropic meshing
co-design and realization with P.L.George, INRIA Rocquencourt
licensing ensured by DISTENE (


3D adaptative isotropic meshing
co-design and realization with P.L.George, INRIA Rocquencourt
licensing ensured by DISTENE (


3D reconstruction of LIDAR point clouds
licensing ensured by UTT (
license granted to IPCARTO

GHS3D-V2 and GHS3D-V3

3D meshing
co-design and realization with P.L.George, INRIA Rocquencourt
licensing ensured by DISTENE (
licenses granted to most of the CAD systems (ANSYS, CATIA, IDEAS, ...)


3D morphing
licensing ensured by UTT (


Adaptive 3D remeshing
licensing ensured by UTT (


Geometrical composite forming
license exclusively granted to ESI-Group

Industrial partnerships (since 2020)


The partnership with Safran/composites concerns the geometric modeling and meshing of three-dimensional composites. The initial geometry of the structure is defined by a 3D reconstruction from 2D scan images. The research developments include the definition of a parametric geometry and the construction of meshes of the structure. Eventually, these composites will be integrated into mechanical parts in order to establish their behavior models. The partnership has led to the development of several software programs under Safran/composites license.


The collaboration with Dassault Aviation goes back several years. The main research topic concerns the generation of hybrid surface meshes. Such meshes are used for various applications (fluid dynamics, shape optimization...). In addition, we are interested in the extraction of geometric or physical characteristic lines and surfaces. This partnership has led to the training of several PhD students, the development and licensing of several softwares.


The main research topic concerns the modeling of the behavior of three-dimensional granular structures in large geometric deformations. In this context, an advanced computational scheme including a complete chain processing (remeshing, error estimator, field transfer...) is achieved. The current research concerns multiphysics and multimaterials. In the framework of this partnership, several software licenses, including our 3D remesher, have been granted.

Date of update 03 juin 2024