In the same section
Resources & Research Facilities
LIST3N will be able to rely on material and organisational structures that have been solid and operational for several years : Research and development platforms, institutes and industrial chairs. These structures have been defined within the teams that meet within LIST3N and are managed by the researchers of these teams.
Factories of Future Champagne Ardenne Platform (FFCA)
As part of the industrial transition (Industry 4.0), the project Factories of the Future (Usines du Futur Champagne Ardenne FFCA) was carried by the University of Technology, Troyes (UTT) and the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne (URCA), and implemented by the Institute Services and Industry of the Future of Troyes ISIFT. It is a demonstrator that represents a real tool for research and support for companies and local actors, going as far as education and innovation practices, and which could also be a space for knowledge transmission and technological training.- Read more...
FabAdditive-Platform-(Printer-3D-et-Scanner-3D) - FabAdditive-Platform-(Printer-3D-et-Scanner-3D)
The project led to the creation of new platforms (PROBOT, EcoEnergie, HommeMachineCollab, Fabadditive) and to the redevelopment of the school factory (Usine Ecole), which underwent a technological and technical migration to a factory 4.0.
The FFCA project has already covered many topics. The PROBOT platform, composed of automated stacker cranes and AGVs equipped with COBOTs linking the stacker cranes, represents a case study on which several policies and algorithms for stock management and logistics can be applied in real time. This platform is supplied by objects coming from 3D printers (FabAdditive platform), from the Usine Ecole, as well as via the digital twin of the flexible cell (CellFlex) of the URCA.
Usine Ecole (Global view) - Usine Ecole (Global view)
This interconnection, both physical and virtual, between the different platforms makes it a true flexible line demonstrator.
The EcoEnergy platform enables the development of research on new products and manufacturing processes capable of reducing waste and increasing the energy efficiency of industrial companies.
The objective of the HommeMachineCollab platform is to work on technologies while studying the impact on society and vice versa.
Here are some figures of this demonstrator.
PROBOT platform (Global view) - PROBOT platform (Global view) The PROBOT platform
composed of automated stacker cranes and AGVs equipped with COBOTs linking the stacker cranes, represents a case study on which several policies and algorithms can be applied in real time. This platform is fed by objects coming from 3D printers (FabAdditive platform), from the Usine école as well as via the digital twin of the flexible cell (CellFlex) of the URCA (Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne). This interconnection, both physical and virtual, between the different platforms makes it a real flexible line demonstrator.
The EcoEnergy platform
Logistic Unity - Logistic Unity
The objective of the HommeMachineCollab platform is to work on technologies while studying the impact of these technologies on society and vice versa. The increase of intellectual capital and the appropriation of new dimensions of collaboration will be implemented. Based on this connection architecture, several extensions are possible to give more flexibility to the demonstrator. A future project named FFCA 2 with an amount of 2.5 million euros is currently being examined by the funders (State, Region, Europe).
CapSec (Security Sensors platform)
is an embedded wireless sensor network platform. Its main objective is to provide a key resource for industrial partners and academic laboratories to test and validate their technological solutions based on wireless sensor networks. A smart sensor network can be defined as an integrated system comprising, on the one hand, the means to perform a measurement, and on the other hand, the means to process this measurement and distribute the information to a selected system. The information is then sent to a higher-level system or to a human. The deployment of embedded and wireless sensors represents both a technologically and economically attractive solution, increasingly adopted by industrial players, but also a fast-growing research field. Thus, the CapSec platform will meet a need constantly expressed by the industrial world, while promoting the link between research laboratories and the economic fabric of the region.- Read more...
- The advantages of networking embedded sensors are
- Flexibility of installation (see random deployment).
- Unequalled access to information.
- Robustness of the measurement (the loss of one or more components does not compromise the functioning of the whole).
- Security of data as it is pre-processed / pre-coded locally.
Within the framework of CapSec, the work to be carried out concerns both :- Sensor technologies,
- Embedded data processing,
- Communication protocols
- Collaborative information processing.
CYBERSEC (Cybersecurity platform)
is supported by the Cyber Security Research Program. It provides an environment for the development, testing and qualification of information systems security and anti-cybercrime solutions. It also aims to foster partnerships with academia and industry in the field of cybersecurity.- Read more...
- The current platform is structured around three main themes :
- The Digital Image Forensics (DIF) system provides access to a database of images and videos, whether they are healthy, altered or modified, as well as all the parameters necessary for their characterisation. Three lines of research use this system DIF, i.e. the development of tools to identify the model of a camera from a digital image, the development of methods for certifying the authenticity of multimedia content and the development of tools for hidden information.
- The Dej@V system is one of the components of the CyberSec platform, which aims at setting up a data analysis platform for understanding the life cycle of event trajectories in interconnected systems. The Dej@Vu system is dedicated to the experimentation and validation of tools for fighting crime by monitoring complex events as they occur. The objective is to provide the framework and tools to experiment with innovative approaches to understanding the rules governing the formation and life cycle of certain events buried in large events buried in large masses of behavioural data.
- The CloudSec system is an experimental environment based on a data centre architecture that aims to enable the reproduction of malicious behaviour and the implementation and evaluation of detection and countermeasure solutions for network architectures and services. It focuses specifically on two areas which concern :
- In vivo experimentation with new communication paradigms, specifically those based on content-oriented networks deployed in a context of virtualisation of network functions.
- The reproduction of malicious behaviour in virtualised environments.
LL2A (The ActivAgeing Living Lab)
is a participatory design research platform that innovates - with users - to achieve the design of appropriate services and technologies supporting the health and autonomy of older people. The involvement of participants in each step of the innovation process undertaken by the living lab is an essential component of the system.- Read more...
- The autonomy of the elderly is a demanding theme in terms of the acceptability and use of technologies that improve their well-being. The Living Lab ActivAgeing (LL2A) is developing a human-centred approach centred approach to designing and evaluating solutions to support this autonomy.
The theme of the autonomy of the elderly is the subject of in-depth research and innovation work carried out by the University of Technology, Troyes and its partners for several years. This research combines the rigour of multifactorial evaluation methods and a multimodal analysis involving, from the outset, all the stakeholders in a participatory design process.
The ActivAgeing Living Lab in the Champagne-Ardenne Region meets a real need in this area. The LL2A mobilises a range of expertise and specific platforms. The organisational innovation of the structure facilitates the creation of partnerships, allowing the development, testing and marketing of solutions, which are relevant for the users and create value for the actors involved. This platform is coordinated by Dimitri Voilmy.
HYPERTOPIC (Software for human sense-making)
The Hypertopic software suite and workshops aim at fostering participation among knowledge workers, especially for:- digital humanities (Toulouse II University, Liège University, ENS Lyon, Korea University, University of Brasilia...),
- corporate knowledge management (Orange, Airbus, ABB, EDF, ANDRA…),
- digital citizenship (cultural heritage, sustainable development...).
Research Chairs and Research Institutes
The LIST3N research unit can also draw on substantial support from the ISIFT Institute (Institut Services et Industries du Futur de Troyes) and the two research chairs : Connected Innovation and Silver Tech.- Institute of Services and Industries of the Future in Troyes
ISIFT - Institute of Services and Industries of the Future in Troyes
The Institute of Services and Industries of the Future of Troyes, created and developed by Prof. Farouk Yalaoui, and directed since October 2020 by Prof. Leila Merghem, was launched by the UTT in a perspective of support and accompaniment of industrialists, training organisations and the territory to face this transformation. Several missions : monitoring, support for players, development of new solutions for companies and solutions for companies and participation in the reflection on the problems in the field. The ISIFT Institute's activity is at the heart of the Trojan area and has regional, national and international ambitions. The institute is a space for collaboration between UTT, the Y schools, EPF, ESTP and URCA, but also with institutional and economic players. economic players. The ISIFT is also at the heart of intense coordination between the universities of the Grand Est region in a Grand Est network around the themes of Services and Industries of the Future IGESIF (Initiative Grand Est pour les Services et Industries du Futur). Strong links have been forged with local players such as Troyes Champagne Métropole (TCM) and the Aube General Council. This approach has also been extended to the national level in close collaboration with, among others, the Smart network and the creation of an open network, the institute is thus organised into six themes and four axes representing the FIS theme. This organisation allows for interaction between the themes and axes to cover all the axes.
Due to its competences and scientific orientations, the research activities, the valorisation and the platforms are in the following themes :- Theme 1 : Intelligent production and robotics (Production, logistics, maintenance,
- artificial intelligence) - Leader: Prof Lionel Amodeo.
- Theme 2 : Energy and materials (Traceability, ecology and energy).
- Theme 3 : Environment, man and machine (skills management, openinnovation).
- Theme 5 : Sensors and connected objects (intelligent sensors, object connectivity). Leader: Prof. Leila Merghem.
- Theme 6 : Intelligent services (new data systems, artificial intelligence).
- "Connected Innovation" chair
The "Connected Innovation" chair
This research Chair is headed by Prof. Farouk Yalaoui, aims to develop new knowledge in the field of the valorisation of data from logistics, production and market systems with a view to optimising performance ; to propose decision-making tools that will make it possible to meet the challenges of the factory of the future. These challenges are a response to several simultaneous transitions : energy, ecological, digital, organisational and societal. It is a question of modernising the production tool as a whole and accompanying companies in the transformation of their business models, their organisations, their processes and their products.
The objective is to modernise the production tool as a whole and to support companies in the transformation of their business models and organisations, by developing indicators and strategies validated by current scientific research. Thus, the work of the Chair aims to enable companies in the Grand Est region and beyond to successfully carry out their transformation in one of the most competitive environments in the world. In addition to the research activities, the Chair will be engaged in a process of direct interaction with the actors of the industrial sector through the organisation and animation of a regular cycle of conferences. These thematic conferences, which are called "18h00-20h00 de la chaire CI", aim to bring together actors from the economic world and researchers to discuss the latest concrete issues that could constitute research and innovation opportunities. This cycle of conferences is currently in its 11th edition with more than a hundred participants at each edition. To date, the Chair has no less than 11 industrial and institutional partners for a total amount of 1.8 million euros and three employees. - Silver Tech chair
Silver Tech Research Chair
In a context of accelerated ageing of the world population, particularly in France and Europe, UTT has created a SilverTech industrial and territorial innovation Chair, dedicated to assistance to the elderly, whose holder is Aly Chkeir. This partnership space brings together academic players, in particular UTT researchers, and socio-economic players, with the aim of developing knowledge, products, services, technologies and training to promote the autonomy and safety of the elderly.
The Chair is organised around three objectives :- To strengthen scientific and technological research activities with a view to developing the autonomy and safety of the elderly.
- To strengthen scientific and technological research activities in order to develop solutions with a high socio-medico-economic value. It is based in particular on the work of the Institute for Research on Ageing. It is based in particular on the work carried out for many years in the field of silver technologies by the M2S and Tech-CICO teams. It also relies on the Living Lab ActivAgeing (LL2A), which offers an innovative framework for the design and evaluation of technological solutions.
To this end, multidisciplinary workshops will be developed, bringing together students from different disciplines or students with socio-economic players in continuing education, and including an experimental and field approach.
5 mecenes have been involved in the Chair since its foundation in 2016 : Plurial Novilia, Crédit Agricole, Kéolis Santé, Assystel, Festilight and its subsidiary Pixxaro, Alpix and its subsidiary Eutech. Troyes Audition and MD Finances are also participating in the project. In return for their commitment, the patrons of the SilverTech Chair will be able to Participate in a privileged way in the events organised by the SilverTech Chair and the ActivAgeing Living Lab and meet the research teams on a regular basis, participate actively in the reflection on training, research and innovation, contribute to and jointly develop the strategy of the Chair and the Living Lab by participating in the steering committee, chaired by Professor Myriam Lewkowicz.
Date of update 28 février 2022