bandeau nanobio
bandeau nanobio

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[18]. Evaluation of diffusion coefficient of P-glycoprotein molecules labeled with green fluorescent protein in living cell membrane, X. H. Vu, N. D. Dien, T. T. H. Pham, R. Jaffiol, C. Vézy, N. X. Ca, T. T. Trang, BBA Biomembranes 1863 (2021) p183721.
[17]. Incidence angle calibration for prismless total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, D. El Arawi, M. Cardoso Dos Santos, C. Vézy and R. Jaffiol, Optics Letters 44, 7 (2019) p1710-1713. 10.1364/OL.44.001710
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[15]. Single cell adhesion strength assessed with variable-angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, M. Cardoso Dos Santos, C. Vézy, H. Morjani and R. Jaffiol, AIMS Biophysics 4, 3 (2017) p438-450. 10.3934/biophy.2017.3.438
[14]. Topography of cells revealed by variable-angle Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy, M. Cardoso Dos Santos, R. Deturche, C. Vézy and R. Jaffiol, Biophysical Journal 111, (2016) p1316-1327. 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.1043
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[11]. Multi-photon Cascade Absorption in Single Molecule Fluorescence Saturation Spectroscopy, P. Winckler and R. Jaffiol, Analytical Chemistry 85, 9 (2013) p4735-4744. 10.1021/ac400454f
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[7]. Enhancement and quenching regimes in metal-semiconductor hybrid optical nanosources, P. Viste, J. Plain, R. Jaffiol, A. Vial, P.M. Adam, P. Royer, ACS Nano 4, 2 (2010) p759-764. 10.1021/nn901294d
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[5]. Effect of different agents onto multidrug resistant tumor cells revealed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, C. Boutin, Y. Roche, C. Millot, R. Deturche, J. Plain, P. Jeannesson, M. Manfait, P. Royer, J-M. Millot, R. Jaffiol, Journal of Spectroscopy 22, 4 (2008) p261-265.
[4]. Surface modified single molecules free-diffusion evidenced by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, C. Boutin, R. Jaffiol, J. Plain, P. Royer, Journal of Fluorescence 18, 6 (2008) p1115-1122. 10.1007/s10895-008-0361-y
[3]. Porous surface statistical characterization via fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, J. Plain, R. Jaffiol, G. Lerondel, P. Royer, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 204, 5 (2007) p1507-1511. 10.1002/pssa.200674404
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NEF nanoscopy
   vaTIRF nanoscopy
   Cell patterning

Date of update 12 janvier 2022