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Trained in economy and sociology, Pauline Marty has a Ph.D in land planning and urbanism. Her research focuses on territorial dynamics and sustainability, through the prism of territorial ecology and urban metabolism.
A first scope of research evolves around the interdisciplinary theme of bioeconomy and the agro-food system – its role in territorial reconfiguration, its spatial imprint and its governance. The agro-food system is analyzed through the materials flows (natural, food and agricultural flows) it involves and their governance, as they mediates the tensions and associations between society and biosphere. After a first focus (how do rural places organize to feed big cities), an expertise in local school food projects was developed (both as an academic and a practionner), and the focus is now broaden to agricultural metabolism at the territorial scale, and sustainability assessing of agricultural and agro-industrial value chains.
A second scope of research is embedded in participative research at the territorial scale, participating in and analyzing the emergence of collective grassroots dynamics that defines and implement locally- and collaboratively-built sustainability and better living.
A third scope of research, in development, applies the territorial metabolism approach to the sector of ecological building and renovation, with a focus on the emergence of local value chains and their socio-economic and environmental impacts.
These areas of research nurture the teaching activity, especially in governance et territorial metabolism courses in the IMEDD Master Program, and through the MIND projects (students group projects) that are designed to tackle practical issues, for social/solidarity enterprises (as the French Impact laureate Chênelet) or for rural territories in embedded participative experimentations.
Dr. Pauline Marty is also the UTT coordinator for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees BIOREF (European Master in Biorefinery), for which she coordinates a semester dedicated to basics in bioeconomy, sustainability and circular economy.
Scientific supervision
Dr. Pauline Marty supervises each years numerous students’ projects (territorial diagnosis, experimentations beyond academia with private and public actors), research internships, and pre- or post-doctoral students on various research projects.
She is currently co-supervizing the Ph.D. thesis PROXIBIOMASSE, funded by the Aube Departement and Fonds Européen de Développement Regional (FEDER – European Regional Development Fund) of the European Union.
Territorial sustainability ; territorial ecology ; urban metabolism ; bioeconomy ; agro-food system ; biomass valorization ; territorial governance ; public policy and local development