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Ph.D Student in Management Science
Research interests:
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Ecosystems
Organizational Memory
Organizational Resilience and High Reliability Organization (HRO)
Qualitative Methodology
Ph.D Topic:
Research studying knowledge management processes at an inter-organizational level within an ecosystem, in a collaborative and safety context.
Scholarship as part of an industrial research project funding. Collaboration project between Université de Technologie de Troyes and an High Reliability Organization.
The main objective is to propose a structure and an organization of knowledge management approaches, in order to allow the sustainability of knowledge collaboration within the ecosystem.
Research project and thesis structured through several publications.
Thesis Title: "The organization and sustainability of inter-organizational knowledge collaboration within an ecosystem and in a safety context".
Master of Science. "Msc, Research in Management and Innovation". Skema Business School. Sophia-Antipolis, France. 2019-2020.
Master's degree in Management. "MA, Research, Innovation, Business and Society". Université Côte d'Azur. Graduate School and Research of Economics and Management. Nice, France. 2019-2020.
Master's degree in Management. "MA, Digital Strategy". Université Côte d'Azur. Graduate School and Research of Economics and Management. Nice, France. 2017-2019.
Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management. Université Côte d'Azur. Graduate School and Research of Economics and Management. Nice, France. 2016-2017.
University degree in "Intensive Preparation for Economics and Management Schools". Université Côte d'Azur. Graduate School and Research of Economics and Management. Nice, France. And Institut Stanislas Cannes, France. 2016-2017.
Human Ressource Management (2021-2022).