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Mathilde COLAS

PhD Student

Contact details


Academic discipline(s)


Research activities

Research Interests

Proximity relations, Circular economy, Industrial and territorial ecology, Socio-technical systems and Social innovation, Sustainable territorial development, Systemic

Research Project

As part of the energy transition of the territories, analysis of the methanization units as a case of application of the circular economy: analysis focused on the governance of actors and the circularity/territorialization of biomass-energy flows

  • Modes of specification, activation and anchoring of local biomass resources by actors
  • Spatio-temporal dynamics of proximity between actors
  • Management of biomass-energy flows by actors
  • Contribution of actors to the ecological transition of territories
  • Clarification of the circular economy model in terms of territoriality and circularity of resources
  • Contribution to the theoretical reinforcement of the link between proximities and industrial and territorial ecology


Governance, Proximities, Biomass, Methanization, Bioenergy, Bioeconomy, Energy transition, Territorial development


  • Bourdin, S., Colas, M. et Raulin, F. (2019). Understanding the problems of biogas production deployment in different regions: territorial governance matters too. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 10.1080/09640568.2019.1680158.
  • Bourdin, S., Colas, M. et Raulin, F. (2018). Focus 2 : Analyse des proximités dans les projets de méthanisation (Méthanisation et proximité entre acteurs : quelle gouvernance territoriale ?. Projet DETECTE. PSDR Grand Ouest Bretagne, Normandie et Pays de la Loire. Série Focus PSDR4).
  • Colas, M. (2017). La gouvernance territoriale de l’économie circulaire : analyse des dynamiques de proximités entre acteurs de la méthanisation en Grand Ouest (Master’s Essay). Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/11143/11334

Academic activities

  • Science and Technology Student Expert for the Haut Conseil de l’Évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (HCERES) (7 expert missions from 2018-2021)
  • Representation of Doctoral students on the Ad Hoc Committee on research restructuring at UTT (March-April 2021)
  • PhD student representative on the UTT Scientific Council (2018-2020)
  • Scientific communication at Doctorales ASRDLF 2020
  • Participant in the organization of the UTT Doctoral Forum What’s Up Doc 2019

This doctoral project is financed by the Aube Department and the European Regional Development Fund

Date of update 26 novembre 2024