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Associate Professor
Contact details
- Address
- Office H109 UTT / LIST3N Lab. 12 rue MARIE CURIE CS 42060
- Phone
- 0325759672
- Office
- X102
Academic Curriculum:
- 2013 - ... Associate Professor with the Troyes University of Technology. Research within the LM2S (Systems Modelling and Dependability) lab. Teaching within the SRT (System Network and Telecommunication) program.
- 2015-2020 Invited scholar at State University of New-York (SUNY), Binghamton (6 months overall).
- 01-06/2014 Invited scholar at State University of New-York (SUNY), Binghamton (6 months).
- 2012 - 2013 Post-doctoral fellow in the UTT, research topics : digital image forensics, image forgeries detection, camera model identification, JPEG compression modelling, hypothesis testing theory, etc. ...
- 2011 - 2012 Temporary assistant for lecture and research in the UTT
- 2008 - 2011 PhD student in "System safety and Optimisation" (O2S) in the Troyes University of Technology (UTT)
- 2003 - 2008 Engineer student in "Telecommunications and information systems" (SIT), at the UTT
Exchange student (jan. - juin 2005) in Jönköping, Sweden, within the framework of Erasmus exchange program.
Semester off (jan. - juil. 2007) in Ziguinchor, Sénégal, as a volonteer teacher in a primary school.
I currently teach :
- Computer and Computer networks architecture (undergrad. ; 30h of lecture + 30 h of tutorials)
- Introduction to cryptography (graduated students. ; 40h of lecture + 10 h of tutorials)
- C programming language (45h of tutorials)
- Mathematical tools for Engineers (undergrad. ; in Shanghai Univ. 30h of lecture + 60 h of tutorials)
I taught :
- Signal analysis and processing (grad. students)
- Analysis of Function of one real-valued variable (undergrad.)
- Operating system administration (undergrad. ; in Shanghai University)
- Analysis of Function of several real-valued variables (undergrad.)
- Linear Algebra (undergrad.)
- Introduction to probability (undergrad.)
- Secured signal processing (grad. students)
Research topics:
hypothesis testing theory - detection using parametric models - digital image forensics - steganography and steganalysis.
I have published more than 30 papers in International (peer-reviewed) journals and more than 60 papers in international conferences (with proceedings)
The Full list of publications available through the hal-utt website.
PhD students:
- Co-Advisor of Anoitne Mallet, 2022-2025 (with Patrick Bas, CNRS, From Ecole centrale de Lille).
- Gaulthier Martin, 2022-2025.
- Co-Advisor of Marius Letourneau, 2020-2023 (with Guillaume Doyen, UTT).
- Co-Advisor of Li Lulu, 2020-2024 (with Y. Hadjar, UTT).
- Co-Advisor of Quentin Giboulot, 2019-2022 (with Patrick Bas, From Ecole centrale de Lille) : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
- Co-Advisor of Samer Chehade, 2017-2019 (with Nada Matta, UTT) : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
- Co-Advisor of Nicolas Burger, 2016-2019 (with Patrick Lallement, UTT) : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
- Co-Advisor of Azzam Alwan, 2015-2018 (with P. Beaseuroy and E. Grall, UTT, and M. Dauchez and S.Almagro, MEDyC Lab. from Reims University) : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
- Co-Advisor of Ngoc Tan Nguyen, 2014-2017 (with Guillaume Doyen, UTT) : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
- Co-Advisor of Karim Tout, 2014-2017 (with Florent Retraint, UTT) : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
- Co-Advisor of Qiao Tong, 2012-2016, (with Florent Retraint, UTT) : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
- Co-Advisor of Thanh Hai Tha,i 2011-2014, (with Florent Retraint, UTT) : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
Though not advisor, I proudly worked with Vahid Sedighi during his PhD thesis : Manuscript available as a pdf file.
- Co-Advisor of Nisrine Ghadban 2016-2017 (with Guillaume Doyen).
- General Chair for IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2022), Shanghai, P.R. China, December 2022.
- TPC Chair for IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2021), Montpellier, France, December 2021.
- General Chair of ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (ACM IH&MMSec'19), Paris, France, June 2019.
- Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security.
- Associate Editor of the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.
- Member of IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee . (01/2019-12/2021)
- Organizer (with Patrick Bas et Quentin Giboulot) of IEEE WIFS 2020 Special session.
- Organizer (with Patrick Bas et Quentin Giboulot) two reserach contests on stegalaysis; ALASKA#2 in conjunction with IEEE WIFS 2020 ad ALASKA#1, in conjunction with ACM IH&MMSec 2019.
- Member of TPC of ACM IH&MMSec (since 2013).
- Member of TPC IEEE WIFS (since 2018).
- Session Chair @ IEEE ICASSP 2019 Brighton, 2020 Barcelona (Online), IEEE WIFS 2021 New-York, Eusipco 2022 Belgrade.
- Guest Editor of special issue on "Multimedia Security: Novel Steganography and Privacy Preserving" from journal "Security and Communication Networks" (Wiley - Hindawi).
Date of update 19 février 2025