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Full Professor--LIST3N
Contact details
- Address
- LIST3N-LOSI- UTT * 12 rue Marie Curie * CS 42060 * 10004 TROYES CEDEX
- Phone
- 0325715630
- Office
- G105
- Project management
- Operation research
- Production research managent
- Simulation
- Scheduling
Research Interests
- Planning and inventory control under uncertainties
- Quantum optimization
- Scheduling with maintenance
- Optimization in wireless sensor networks
Google Scholar :
- 1 Pattern
- 32 refereed journal papers
- 3 book chapters
- 72 conference papers
Refereed Journal Papers (most recent, 2020-)
- Faicel Hnaien and Arbaoui, T. (2023). Minimizing the makespan for the two-machine flow shop scheduling problem with random breakdown. Annals of Operations Research, 328 :1437–1460.
- Sadeghi, H., Golpîra, H., Faicel Hnaien, and Magazzino, C. (2023). Pricing-inventory model with discrete demand and delivery orders. Operations Research and Decisions, 33 :119–139.
- Ho, M. H., Faicel Hnaien, and Dugardin, F. (2022). Exact method to optimize the total electricity cost in two-machine permutation flow shop scheduling problem under time-of-use tariff. Computers & Operations Research, 144 :105788.
- Frifita, S., Afsar, H. M., and Hnaien, Faicel (2022). An efficient mat-heuristic algorithm for the dynamic disassembly assembly routing problem with returns. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 16(5) :584–617.
- Frifita, S., Afsar, H. M., and Faicel Hnaien (2022). A robust optimization approach for disassembly assembly routing problem under uncertain yields. Expert Systems with Applications, 202 :11730
- Tazi, N., Safaei, F., and Faicel Hnaien (2022). Assessment of the levelized cost of energy using a stochastic model. Energy, 238 :121776.
- Ho, M. H., Faicel Hnaien, and Dugardin, F. (2021). Electricity cost minimisatio for optimal makespan solution in flow shop scheduling under time-of-use tariffs. International Journal of Production Research, 59(4) :1041–1067.
- Ben-Ammar O., Castagliola P., Dolgui A., Hnaien F. (2020). A hybrid genetic algorithm for a multilevel assembly replenishment planning problem with stochastic lead times, Computers & Industrial Engineering 149, 106794.
- Afsar, H.-M., Hnaien F. (2020). Formulations and solutions algorithms for dynamic assembly routing problem, International Journal of Production Research 58 (3), 671-688
- Afsar, H.-M., Ben-Ammar, O., Dolgui, A., and Hnaien, F. (2020). Supplier replacement model in a one-level assembly system under lead-time uncertainty.AppliedScience, 10(3366) :1–21.
- Ho, M. H., Hnaien, F., and Dugardin, F. (2020). Electricity cost minimisation for optimal makespan solution in flow shop scheduling under time-of-use tariffs.Interna-tional Journal of Production Research, pages 1–27.
- Head of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Academic Department, UTT, since December 2024
- Head of the Optimization Axis (30 members) - LIST3N, UTT, since February 2024
- Head of the International Master's Track in Logistics and Transport in Togo, since September 2023
Date of update 16 mars 2025