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PubliER 2022 : The industry of the future: beyond the Anthropocene
The second edition of the PubliER Workshop was organised by the Interdisciplinary Research Unit on Society-Technology-Environment Interactions (UR- InSyTE), University of technology de Troyes. This edition was supported by the Institute of Services and Industry of the Future of Troyes (ISIFT). PubliER was also supported by interdisciplinary academic communities, at the national level ( S.mart) and the international level (Design Society and The International Sustainable Development Research ( ISDRS) Society). Due to the sanitary situation, the 2022 edition of PubliER has been held to a virtual event, from February 2nd to 4th 2022.
Scientific international journals represented
- Resources, Conservation & Recycling
- Journal of cleaner production
- International journal of Creativity and Innovation
- Computers in industry
- Sustainable development
- omputer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices
- Cleaner Production letters
- Journal of industrial Ecology
- International journal of Product Lifecycle Management
- Design sciences International Journal
Our partners
Relevant link for the event :
- The Concept
This high-level workshop was dedicated to refining the scientific academic writing skills of top-end early researchers. The aim was to enable the early researchers to build the writing and publishing capacities to mature and polish previously written papers and publish them on the most pertinent international scientific journals. The authors also develop managerial skills allowing them to successfully publish their high-quality content in the most relevant journals in their fields of study.
Peer reviewing
The concept of this workshop was to peer a selection of early researchers and authors of the ‘best papers’, presented during international conferences in different disciplines, with top-quality editors from international scientific journals. During the three days of the workshop, the authors participated of tailored advising sessions, keynote lectures and other activities guided by the panel of editors. That process enabled the early researchers to better previously written papers and end with a top-quality product. All the authors participated as peer-reviewers for at least other two proposed papers participating in the workshop.
The participants developed a “know-how” on scientific writing and publishing enabling them to communicate highly relevant content on the most pertinent international journals. Both, early researchers and editors, have benefited of the space created by the workshop to share ideas, discuss, and expand their professional network in a pluri-disciplinary environment. - PubliER 2020
How can the Industries of the Future contribute to address the forthcoming challenges of our society?
This edition of workshop PubliER 2020 was organized at the University of Technology of Troyes, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Research Team on the Transition Towards Socio-technical Sustainable Systems (CREIDD) of the research UTT, the Institute of Services and Industry of the Future of Troyes (ISIFT) and the Chaire Connected Innovation. The workshop was held in Troyes (France) from the 29th to the 31st of January 2020.
publierPictures Scientific international journals represented
- Resources Conservation & Recycling
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation
- Computers in Industry
- Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
- Design Science International Journal
- Journal of Industrial Ecology
- International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing
- Product Lifecycle Management
Our partners
Date of update 13 janvier 2022