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Contact details
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- 0325718087
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Research topics:
Teaching disciplines:
Hichem Snoussi received the diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from the Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité (Supélec), Gif-sur-Yvette, France, in 2000. He also received the DEA degree and the Ph.D. in signal processing from the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, in 2000 and 2003 respectively. Between 2003 and 2004, he was postdoctoral researcher at IRCCyN, Institut de Recherches en Communications et Cybernétiques de Nantes. He has spent short periods as visiting scientist at the Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Japan and Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center at the Institute of Living in USA. Between 2005 and 2009, he was associate professor at the University of Technology of Troyes, France. He has obtained the HDR degree from the University of Technology of Compiègne in 2009. Since 2010, he is Full Professor at the University of Technology of Troyes. His research interests include Bayesian techniques for source separation, information geometry, differential geometry, machine learning,etc. Since 2010, he has been in charge of the CapSec Plateform (Sensors for Security). He is the principal investigator of many research projects and industrial partnerships. Between 2016 and 2020, he has been manager of LM2S Lab in Charles Delaunay Institute. Since 2021, he is deputy director of LIST3N lab and team leader of M2S group. He co-founded 2 start-ups: AQUILAE (computer vision) in 2017 and Damavan Imaging (nuclear Compton cameras) in 2014.
- Project management: 20 projects since 2008.
- Scientific involvement: 120 articles in international journals, 150 articles in international congress proceedings
- H-index: 41 (i10 : 130)
- Number of citations: 5700
- Technology transfer: 15 patents with PCT extension
- Publications on HAL :
- Damavan Imaging with transfer of patents in 2014 :
- AQUILAE with transfer of patents in 2017 :
Current projects:
- RailMon : PIA4 project (BPI funding) with 8 M€ total cost
- Title: Surveillance and predictive maintenance of Railway infrastructure
- Objective: Detection of abnormal events, optimisation of maintenance, sensor networks, embedded AI- Consortium: 4 companies and 3 academic labs - Budget: 8 M€ (2016-2023) |
- RED-7D : ANR project with Damavan Imaging Partner with 1 M€ total cost
- Title: Surveillance of critical infrastructures with mobile intelligent robots - Objective: 7D Mapping with hyperspectral sensors: 3D spatial mapping, nuclear mapping, energy mapping - Budget: 800 k€ (2016-2023) Prize from French Presidency at Elysée for Made in France Technology in July 2023 |
- DreamScanner : PIA project with Damavan and ORANO partners with 1.5 M€ total cost
Title: Design of 3D reconstruction scanner of nuclear sources Consortium: 2 companies and 1 academic lab Budget: 1.5 M€ (2022-2024) |
- Pixel-IA : AMI project with Aquilae Partner with 500 k€ total cost
Title: AI-based Abnormal detection in video streams Consortium: 1 company and 1 academic lab Budget: 400 keuros (2020-2022) |
Current supervised PhD Students (7):
- Redwane Ait AIT-OUAMMI (CIFRE with Artifeel company), starting 09/2022 / title: Advanced methods for anomaly detection and event recognition by IoT sensors
- Guillaume Lebonvallet (RailMon PIA project), starting 10/2022 / title: Abnormal detection in constrained IoT systems
- Malak Saiem (RailMon PIA project), starting 10/2022 / title: Data-driven maintenance real-time optimization
- Edern Viannay (CIFRE with Aexdo company), starting 11/2021 / Title: SoilTracking - Tracking of polluted soils in building sites based on sensor and camera networks /
- Simon Thomine (CIFRE with Aquilae company), starting 05/2021 / Title: Pixel-IA - Computer Vision for Quality Control in Industry 4.0 /
- Christophe Chantereaux, starting 01/2022 / Title: Convergence of technologies applied for security between public and private entities: risks and opportunities / French Ministry of Army, Co-supervision 50% with Didier Joubert
- Marius Lopez, starting 09/2020 / title: RED-7D - Mobile Compton cameras for critical infrastructure surveillance / ANR Project, co-supervision 50% with Faicel Hnaien
Supervised PhD students (19):
- Jing TENG - graduated on 11/2009 - Variational Filtering for Bayesien Inference in Sensor Networks
- Mehdi Essoloh - graduated on 12/2009 - Méthodes d’apprentissage à noyau pour l’estimation distribuée dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil
- Farah Mourad - graduated on 12/2010 - Auto-localisation et suivi de cibles dans les réseaux de capteurs mobiles
- Majdi Mansouri - graduated on 10/2011 - Traitement du signal collaboratif dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils
- Abdelkader Miraoui - graduated on 07/2012 - Traitement non linéaire des données pour l’analyse de l’équilibre chez les personnes âgées
- Yi Zhou - graduated on 05/2012 - Wireless Camera Networks for Surveillance and Security
- Lei Qin - graduated on 05/2014 - Réseau de caméras sans fil pour la sécurité et la surveillance des systèmes
- Tian Wang - graduated on 05/2014 - Détection d’anomalies dans les réseaux de caméras sans fil
- Matthieu Le Berre - graduated on 06/2014 - Optimisation multi-objectifs dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil
- Nicolas Chrysanthos - graduated on 10-2014 - Détection d’anomalies dans les données de vol à grande dimension
- Xiaowei Lv - graduated on 03/2015 - Localisation indoor dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil
- Aichun Zhou - graduated on 05/2016 - Articulated Human Pose Estimation in Images and Video
- Charbel Chahla - graduated on 09/2017 - Non-linear feature extraction for object re-identification in cameras networks
- Christain TATA - graduated on 10/2019 - Simulation et traitement des données d'un imageur à rayons Gamma : application au développement d'une nouvelle génération de caméra Compton
- Zied Hmissi - graduated on 11/2019 - Conception et étude d’une nouvelle génération de détecteur Gamma pour les caméras Compton.
- Samir Bouindour - graduated on 12/2019 - Apprentissage profond appliqué à la détection d'évènements anormaux dans les flux vidéo
- Ronghua Hu - graduated on 06/2020 - End-to-End Deep Learning for Person Search
- Slim Hamdi - graduated on 12/2020 - Détection d’anomalies à partir des caméras embarquées sur des drones aériens
- Ghislain Zeufack graduated on 10/2020 - Conception de caméras Compton mono-plaque
- Marie Njaime, graduated on 06/2023 / Title: Action recognition and abnormal detection in cameras networks