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Security and Risk Management
As new interactions appear, between risks and threats, between the physical and the digital worlds, between individuals and major systems, we do need to rethink security-related models, strategies and tools.
"On average, a cyberattack costs a SME 240 k€ and a large company 800 k€. As the frequency of attacks increases – over 120 000 per day world wide cybersecurity will continue to be a major challenge for society. The concept of ’global security’ must be invoked to accompany the development of today’s “instant, mobile, society”, imbedded in the trend of globalisation, with new nanotechnologies round the corner, climate change and global warming… the aim must be to prevent and manage crises."
Research activities
Research unit involved
CapSec is a platform equipped for research on communication, on-board sensor networks specifically designed and used for security related purposes. It provides a setting for industrialists and academic laboratories to experiment, assess and validate various technological solutions.CyberSec (Cyber security)
CyberSec is a platform supporting the cyber-security research programme. It comprises a development-conducive environment with test equipment and certification of various technical solutions for ensure the security of EDP systems and to fight cybercrime. CyberSec will encourage the signing and development of university and industrial partnerships in this area.The platform focuses on three priority themes:
- DIF [Digital image forensics] proposing an access to a data base with digitized support files including all the parameters needed for characterization. This theme covers development of ID (identification) tools and protocols.
- Dej@Vu where the objective is to make use of data analysis to better understand the life cycles and ’trajectories’ of events in interconnected systems (e.g., in social networks).
- CloudSec is an environment for experimentation, based on data-centred architecture. Its objective is to enable reproduction of malicious behavior as well as the implementation and assessment of solutions employed to detect attacks and the counter-measures to be used in service and network architectures.
The UTT HackLab
Le HackLab is a pedagogical platform for ’ethical’ hacking. The ’lab’ covers 100m² and has two networks and a server capable of delivering brute-force attacks (close on 75 billion access code tests/second. A virtual environment allows you to test a variety of computer hacking attacks on operational equipment, on virtual machines and on industrial-scaled systems.Presages
Presages, a research, experimentation and modelling platform for securityrelated events, comes as a modular, adaptive and fully equipped space, designed to reproduce activities goingon in both public and private emergency crisis units. It is essentially a research and training tool, with equipment allowing videoassisted pedagogy.More informations
There are innovation-related projects under way with ADEME (energy and environment), Enedis (Venteea), BPI and a FUI (single interministerial fund) supported by Thales.Creation of the Aquilaë start-up who proposes video-surveillance adapted to customer needs, ranging from detection of abnormal behaviour or of suspicious objects to the possible malfunction of the metering system itself (via a network of smart sensors).
Collaboration with enterprises
- Preventive maintenance of hydro-electric dams with EDF-France and Hydro-Quebec.
- UTT Chair for Global Security – Anticipate & Act, collaboration with the University of Lyon III, Jean Moulin and the national school for police training (ENSP)
- Chair of ’Crisis Mangement’ - Security-related concerns generate new needs in terms of scientific research, initial training and continued education. Any solutions here, in order to be valid and effective, must be transverse and interdisciplinary, and a partnership has been signed between UTT-Troyes and the École nationale supérieure des officiers de sapeurs-pompiers (ENSOSP) [Fire-brigade officers]. The Chair created aims at developing, transmitting and promoting a knowledge base that covers two
main challenges for crisis management. The partnerships extend to 4 companies: Devryware, Atos, Diginext and Airbus Industries. - LabCom In-Fine with the company Surys. The LabCom In-Fine is oriented to answer global security questions, developing optical processes to safeguard personal IDs, products or banknotes (security holograms)
- SURICATE-Nat : a citizens’ “watch-tower” to detect natural risks. SURICATE-Nat collects and analyses messages posted on Twitter® to accelerate the upstream transmission to authorities of data related to natural disasters. This is a collaboration with the BRGM, UTT (M2S et Tech-CICO) and the MAIF (insurance company) Foundation.
Training packages
Master's degree in
Engineering and management in an applied global security framework
In a collaboration with the INHESJ [acronym for French National Institute for Advanced Studies in Security Issues and Judicial Affairs], the IMSGA specialist Master’s degree proposes a global approach to security issues. This training package will enable future users to combine all available human resources, as and where needed, to ensure conditions for maximum security.Discover this training course
Specialist Mastère
Expert in forensic sciences and cybersecurity
This specialist course examines and analyses the technical, functional and legal aspects of the security measures envisaged/applied to EDP systems and provides for an efficient control of security and system safety audit techniques. This training course on cybersecurity facilitates managerial understanding of the technical and technological environments in which industrial companies operate today. It allows the corporate heads to secure their information/EDP systems with cutting-edge tools, techniques and methodologies. The course processes have been certified “SECNUMEDU” 22 by the French national agency for EDP system (ANSSI or Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information).Discover this training course
Master's degree in
EDP systems security
This Master’s degree provides training in identification and assessment of the risks when implementing prevention solutions with reference to governance parameters to ensure security (assessment of risks, taking into account of legal constraints, policy definitions, continuing improvement process) and cyberdefence (detection and counter-measures when incidents/attacks occur).Discover this training course
Vocational Degree Course
Digital Technology Investigator
This is a unique training course in France, in a partnership with the national centre for judiciary police forces (CNFPJ), aimed at fighting cyber criminality and offenses according to laws on new digital technologies. The course addresses members of the national police force; it takes into account the continuously increasing international factors in the professional Ntech investigators’ work.Discover this training course
University Diploma (DU)
Emergency and crisis unit coordinator
This diploma course is intended for middle management executives and strategists in companies, in administrations and local authorities in charge of organizing security matters, or who are participating and making decisions in an emergency & crisis unit. The training provided will add the managerial skills needed to handle various exceptional events (festivities, demonstrations) or crisis situations (natural disasters, or large-scale accidents/incidents).Discover this training course
University Diploma (DU)
Operational criminal investigations and analysis
This diploma course is intended for analysts in charge of research into, and structured analysis of, data collected during investigations [phone, bank, legal background procedures] to help formulate hypotheses to be used by Criminal On average, a cyberattack costs a SME 240 k€ and a large company 800k€. As the frequency of attacksincreases – over 120 000 per day world wide cybersecurity will continue to be a major challenge for society. The concept of ’global security’ must be invoked to accompany the development of today’s “instant, mobile, society”, imbedded in the trend of globalisation, with new nanotechnologies round the corner, climate change and global warming…
the aim must be to prevent and manage crises. Investigators. The course is organized in a partnership with the Gendarmerie Nationale.
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Material sciences, mechanical engineering, optics and nanotechnologies
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Optimization and system security
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Socio-Technological Systems
Discover this training courseDate of update 07 mars 2023