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Design & Use of Digital Technologies

Organization 4.0, cloud computing and storage, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT), big data, social media and networks faced with digitization on a massive scale in both business concerns and in society at large, we can no longer separate questions of technological design from the uses thereof and their social consequences.

"Data has now become a precious raw material, organized and handled by active, productive, predictive algorithms, for better or for worse. They will help us to enjoy better health care, to make better energy management decisions, to continuously improve our knowledge bases, etc. But they will also control in parallel what we do and how we live, with the promise that it is all designed for our safety and security, but making us, at the same time, dependent. The challenges here are every bit as societal as they are technological"

Research activities

Research unit involved


InnovENT-E aims at creating units and communities capable of contributing to improving SME skills in terms of innovation and exports. The course on offer is a complete, ’mutualized’ package running from Bac+2 to Bac+8 levels, base on a skills referential, jointly assembled with entrepreneurial partners, which can be followed online or face-to-face. InnovENT-E proposes a series of innovative digitized learner-based training courses, PEPS, this interdisciplinary project code-named “Learn & Make”, looks at apprenticeship schemes in co-working areas, focusing on design and production of material object using digital-numerical tools.

The launch phase for COST CA16121, the assigned objective of which is to develop a network – at a European level – of players (research scientists, practitioners, local communities, SMEs) interested in the development of co-working collaborative platforms and models and in terms of their social and technological impact.

Collaboration with enterprises   

  • Connect serves to integrate digital transformation at the core of Air Liquide France Industrie’s activities, for the purpose of creating efficient, “smart”, innovative and competitive operations.
  • Biomist: development of a tool enabling multiple access to complex, heterogeneous data banks. This research was conducted in close liaison with the Cadesis Group (software editor and expert integrator in CAO / PLM / BI) and in a collaboration with the Gin-Bordeaux laboratory (bio-imaging).

Training package

Engineering diploma in

Computer sciences and their applications

This is a specialist training course in computer sciences and their applications enabling engineers who qualify to control a company’s data/information retrieval, storage, transmission and circulation practices. They will constantly seek the best fit between end-user needs and the available computer/EDP tools. 

3 professional elective specializations focus on project management:
  • Software induced innovation
  • Data and knowledge promotion
  • Accompaniment in digital transition

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Specialist Mastère

Expert in big analytics and metrology

Specialists trained in this course learn to design, implement and operate innovative solutions to help handle and analyse big data. The solutions here call for skills in computer science, mathematics and statistics as well as in social science and humanities. They may be heading a team of data scientists in charge of promoting corporate data, ensuring – as they do – an advisory mission as data strategists for the development of relevant processes or applications appertaining to operations involving exploration of huge volumes of data or to counsel/advise large industrial groups, SMEs or State services and local authorities when it comes to controlling and governing the use of their data sources and production.

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Material sciences, mechanical engineering, optics and nanotechnologies

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Optimization and system security

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Socio-Technological Systems

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Date of update 02 septembre 2021